Soy Giancarlo. My name is Giancarlo Garcia Salazar and I was born in Durham, North Carolina. I am the son of immigrant parents and I have two little brothers.

I am a first-generation college student and I am proud to represent my family. My family has been there for me through all the rough times in my life. While they may not have been able to guide me through my entire road, my family has supported me the whole way as I have carved my own path.

I had the great honor of attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Early on I struggled to fit in at this great university, however I earned my place there and it has allowed me to continue pushing forward.

I had a lot of great experiences at UNC, both inside and outside of the classroom.  From creating MYUNC23 with my class to celebrating our Basketball National Championship, these moments are a part of me that I will never forget.

Sports are perhaps the biggest inspiration for me besides my family.  No kidding, even my college application essays were about basketball.  More specifically, the San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs are a team I’ve grown up with and have showed me which qualities lead to success. Feels weird to say, but the Spurs have had an important impact on my life.

From video to sports to traveling, my passions have fueled my journey so far. You’ll see a collection of all these passions on this site. Bienvenidos.

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